Buying habits are ingrained in us once they are established. We get triggered by a cue (i.e. being hungry) which then is followed by a routine (i.e. eats at fast food place) in return we get a reward (i.e. feeling good from the food). This constitutes a habit and we have them for every aspect of our lives. The point where buying habits are established is during the routine. Once the routine is established it is hard to change because it becomes automatic.
While they are still establishing buying habits, you want to put your name in front of them as much as possible. A great way to do this is by using a new homeowners list. This allows you to reach out to people who are going to establish new buying habits. You want to give them a call to action with a deadline on an easy to read postcard. This allows you to both drive in more business and create brand recognition.
Once you have put your name in front of the prospective customer, you want to make sure that you follow up with them. Calling them or sending a mailer will reinforce your company by keeping you in the back of their heads. This will also increase the chances you will be in front of them right when they need you. Follow up will keep your customers coming back to form a buying habit.